Page 73 - npqh NATIONAL POLICY FOR QUALITY IN HEALTHCARE : Bridging Silos, Accelerating Improvements 2022-2026
P. 73

National Policy for Quality in Healthcare
                                                                                   National Policy for Quality in Healthcare
                                                                                       Bridging Silos, Accelerating Improvements
                                                                                       Bridging Silos, Accelerating Improvements

               3.7.5 Capacity and Capability for Quality

      Capacity for Quality

               Optimal allocation of human resource is the key pre-requisite for the success of quality
               programmes. The availability of a stable, capable health care workforce is critical to
               the efficient and effective delivery of health services. Organisations should value the
               human factor and obtain their involvement by making them participants and creators
               of the culture of their organisation.
                  i)  Investing in human resource for  quality: Appropriate investment  in and
                     optimal allocation of the necessary human resources for quality improvement
                     programmes is essential to support the smooth implementation of systems and
                     processes that improve care quality in a strategic manner.

                 ii)  Providing people with  skills: Numbers  alone  are not enough. The  ensuing
                     task is then to ensure the establishment of a training programme to build up the
                     numbers of suitably skilled personnel.

                 iii)  Dedicated people for quality: The placement of an appropriate mix of dedicated
                     staff (with designated post) that have been assigned clear roles and responsibilities
                     is essential for quality at every level of care. It must give emphasis to:
                       a)  Competency-based recruitment
                       b)  Training and development

                       c)  Performance tracking

                       d)  Appraisal and appreciation
                       e)  Incentive

                        f)  Retention strategies (including career development in quality)

      Capability for Quality

               Building  competency  in  quality  improvement  amongst  the  providers  is  vital  in
               ensuring the sustainability of quality improvement programmes and should include
               the following:
                  i)  Investment in training: While optimal resources for training may not be readily
                     available,  innovative methods  to implement  training  programmes must  be

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