Page 76 - npqh NATIONAL POLICY FOR QUALITY IN HEALTHCARE : Bridging Silos, Accelerating Improvements 2022-2026
P. 76
National Policy for Quality in Healthcare
National Policy for Quality in Healthcare
Bridging Silos, Accelerating Improvements
Bridging Silos, Accelerating Improvements
iv) Managing Quality Data: Evidence-based decision making requires the
availability of data that are accurate, complete and timely. A robust data and
information system should have the following characteristics:
a. Centralised, streamlined and integrated data system utilising the
appropriate technology that is supported by all key stakeholders. As much
as possible, a set of prioritised indicators should be incorporated within
the health information management system.
b. Good data governance including:
- clear data sharing policies
- standardised reporting format
- analysis and feedback mechanisms
c. Structured training for data collection, analysis and remedial action
d. Routine audit of data quality
e. Quality performance should be effectively communicated to key audiences
and stakeholders
v) From Data to Action: To promote the culture of data use, measurement and
comparison should be translated into positive action to identify the root causes
of shortfall in quality, potential solutions to close the loop and evaluation of the
effectiveness of those solutions. Measurement should also be used to identify
high performers to deliver due recognition, and sub-optimal performers to offer
necessary support and assistance. Quality Improvement Initiatives
The existing quality improvement initiatives have potential impact to improve the
healthcare system environment, reduce harm to patients, improve clinical effectiveness
and engage the family and community. These quality improvement initiatives should:
i) be fully utilised, optimised and strengthened before considering a new approach
ii) be supported with knowledge exchange, sharing of expertise and peer learning
between different initiatives with dissemination of best practices across
healthcare sectors/type of health provider and levels of the health system
iii) engage patient, family and community to enhance the impact of the intervention
iv) foster collaboration among the quality improvement initiatives to enhance the
potential impact on quality healthcare
v) be streamlined to reduce redundancy and promote efficiency