P. 50

In  specific  disease  group,  Nutritional  Deficiency  become  the  most  leading  disease  categories
            towards YLD for under 5 years old (0 to 4 years old) while Mental and Behavioural Disorders become
            the most leading disease categories towards YLD in the age of young adult (15 to 29 years old)
            and older adult (30 to 49 years old). Starting at pre-elderly age group (50-59 years old), Diabetes
              years old) and older adult (30 to 49 years old). Starting at pre-elderly age group (50-59 years
                 years old) and older adult (30 to 49 years old). Starting at pre-elderly age group (50-59 years
            Mellitus become the most leading disease categories towards YLD with the disease start to occur
              old),  Diabetes  Mellitus  become  the  most  leading disease  categories  towards  YLD  with  the
                 old),  Diabetes  Mellitus  become  the  most  leading disease  categories  towards  YLD  with  the
            during the younger adult. Cardiovascular and Circulatory Diseases become the most leading
              disease start to occur during the younger adult. Cardiovascular and Circulatory Diseases become
                 disease start to occur during the younger adult. Cardiovascular and Circulatory Diseases become
            disease categories towards YLD at elderly age group (60 years and above) (Figure 4.3). Male had the
              the most leading disease categories towards YLD at elderly age group (60 years and above)
                 the most leading disease categories towards YLD at elderly age group (60 years and above)
            same pattern of non-fatal burden of YLD as compared with overall population (Figure 4.4). Among
              (Figure 4.3). Male had the same pattern of non-fatal burden of YLD as compared with overall
                 (Figure 4.3). Male had the same pattern of non-fatal burden of YLD as compared with overall
            female, Diabetes Mellitus become the most leading disease categories towards YLD in older adult
              population (Figure 4.4). Among female, Diabetes Mellitus become the most leading disease
                 population (Figure 4.4). Among female, Diabetes Mellitus become the most leading disease
            age group (30 – 49 years old) to elderly age group (60 years old and above) (Figure 4.5).
              categories towards YLD in older adult age group (30 – 49 years old) to elderly age group (60
                 categories towards YLD in older adult age group (30 – 49 years old) to elderly age group (60
                 years old and above) (Figure 4.5).
                 years old and above) (Figure 4.5).
                   Figure 4.2: Percentage (%) of non-fatal burden (YLD), by age group and gender, 2015.
              Figure 4.2: Percentage (%) of non-fatal burden (YLD), by age group and gender, 2015.
                 Figure 4.2: Percentage (%) of non-fatal burden (YLD), by age group and gender, 2015.

                Figure 4.3: Percentage (%) of non-fatal burden (YLD), by disease categories and age group,
              Figure 4.3: Percentage (%) of non-fatal burden (YLD), by disease categories and age group,
                 Figure 4.3: Percentage (%) of non-fatal burden (YLD), by disease categories and age group,
              person, 2015.                           person, 2015.
                 person, 2015.

              40   Malaysian Burden Of Disease And Injury Study 2015-2017
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