Page 8 - NATIONAL POLICY QUALITY IN HEALTHCARE: Bridging Silos, Accelerating Improvements 2022-2026
P. 8

National Policy for Quality in Healthcare
             Bridging Silos, Accelerating Improvements

          List of Tables

          Table 1:  Key health indicators             23
          Table 2:  Prevalence of NCD                 24

          List of Figures                                    List of Appendices

          Figure 1 :  Schematic Overview of           22     Appendix 1: Governance for each             98
                      Malaysian Healthcare                                 QII
                      System                                 Appendix 2: List of Stakeholders           104
          Figure 2 :  MOH Quality Journey             26                   Engaged (July 2019
          Figure 3 :  Categorisation of Quality       28                   session- MOH)
                      Improvement Initiatives                Appendix 3: List of Stakeholders           106
          Figure 4 :  QII Governance &                29                   Engaged (July 2019
                      Organisational Structure                             session -Private Sector
                      in the MOH (national level)                          /Public Universities/
          Figure 5 :  Implementation-informed         48                   Association etc)
                      policy and strategy                    Appendix 4: List of Stakeholders           107
                      development model                                    Engaged (Feb 2021
          Figure 6 :  The Eight Elements              48                   session-MOH)
                      applied in developing the              Appendix 5: List of Stakeholders           110
                      NPQH                                                 Engaged  (Feb 2021
          Figure 7 :  NPQH Development                49                   session-Non-MOH)
                      Process Timeline                       Appendix 6: Complete List of               111
          Figure 8 :  Situational Analysis            50                   Potential Stakeholders
                      Approaches                             Appendix 7: The Strengths,                 113
          Figure 9 :  Analysis and Key Findings       51                   Weaknesses,
          Figure 10:  NPQH Implementation             63                   Opportunities and
                      Framework                                            Threats
                                                             Appendix 8: Initial List of Indicators     120
                                                                           According to STEEEPA
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