Page 8 - NIH Bulletin Vol 19, January-June 2022, Entering the Endemic Phase: Nurturing Ideas in Healthcare
P. 8

Bulletin National Institutes of Health, Malaysia  Vol 19 • January - June 2022

                               Figure 5                                             Figure 8

          Annual occupational safety & health activities also   The Blood Donation Campaign (Figure 9) organized by
          conducted by UKKP for NIH employees are non-        OSH NIH in collaboration with the National Blood Center
          communicable diseases screening (diabetes, high blood   (PDN) was successfully implemented 3 times in March,
          pressure and hypercholesterolemia) for employees aged 30   July and November 2021 with a total of 50 - 90 donors per
          years and above through KOSPEN PLUS program (Figure 5),   session to help meet the demand for blood supply affected
          administration of Influenza and Hepatitis B vaccines for high   by the implementation of movement control orders (MCO)
          -risk workers (Figure 6) as well as Mantoux test for screening   COVID-19.
          of Tuberculosis (Figure 7).

                               Figure 6                                             Figure 9

                                                              OSH NIH is also a reference point for NIH staff in terms of
                                                              occupational safety & health at work and will continue to be
                                                              committed in ensuring the safety & health of all NIH staff
                                                              are maintained and protected for the continuity of health
                                                              services at NIH in particular and MOH in general.

                               Figure 7

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