Page 28 - A Step-By-Step Guide to Questionnaire Validation Research
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namely      “Leadership”,      “Reward       &     Recognition”,

           “Empowerment”, “Training & Development”, “Working

           Hours”, “Communication” and “Working Conditions”

           (Ahmad et. al., 2020).

                  A latent variable is a relatively pure measure of a

           construct that is extracted from the observed variables, by

           capturing the common or shared variance among multiple

           observable variables or indicators of a construct. Since a

           latent variable is usually created by factor analytic

           methods; hence, it will generally represent “shared”

           variance, or the degree to which variables “move”

           together. The common factors model has postulated that

           only those variables without any correlation do not result

           in the formation of a latent construct, which means that

           the construct validity of a latent variable shall depend on

           whether (or not) it has the capacity to represent “shared”
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