Page 89 - Postmortem-findings-in-COVID-19-patients-and-mental-health-issues-in-the-era-of-COVID-19
P. 89
3. What is the indication to perform a post-mortem
CT scans at HKL?
Dr. Ahmad Hafizam:
The indications to perform post-mortem CT scans in Hospital Kuala Lumpur is if the
particular case is subjected for legalized post-mortem. For COVID-19 cases in Hospital
Kuala Lumpur, we do perform post-mortem CT scans for cases whereby the patient
dies in the hospital even though it is not subjected to legalized post-mortem
examination, as a learning curve. Therefore, we can see the particular radiological
image of confirmed COVID-19 cases. There are not many COVID-19 cases which are
subjected for CT scans, even in a living patient. Currently, in Hospital Kuala Lumpur,
we have 10 post-mortem CT scans images of confirmed COVID-19 cases.