Page 92 - The Covid-19 Chronicles of Malaysia: Navigating the Storm
P. 92
63rd National Day
31 Aug 2020: Isolated Cluster A new
isolated cluster involving workers on a May we continue to be resilient and united,
ship in Port Dickson Port, with travel working together to fight to free Malaysia
history from the Port of Singapore. 34 from the threat of this virus and all other
ship crews on board screened on 28 threats. Together we will continue to take
August 2020 for ship sign-on and sign- care of our beloved country.
off. § - Ministry of Health
Cluster Update The Tawar and Telaga
Clusters - 16.462 and 735 screened in
the two clusters respectively.
Source: MOH Facebook § Source: MKN Facebook §
Inilah amanah besar yang mesti dipikul oleh saya dan saudara-saudari semua. Kita mesti kekalkan
kemerdekaan negara kita. Kita mesti pertahankan kedaulatan negara kita. Kita mesti pelihara
keamanan negara kita. Kita mesti tegakkan keadilan dan pelihara kebebasan rakyat. Kita mesti
pastikan seluruh warga tanah air tercinta ini sejahtera dan sentosa selama-lamanya.
This is a great responsibility that must be borne by me and all Malaysians. We must maintain the independence
of our country. We must defend the sovereignty of our country. We must maintain the security of our country.
We must uphold justice and preserve the freedom of the people. We must ensure that all citizens of this
beloved homeland are prosperous and secure forever. (Translated Text)
- Tan Sri Muhyiddin bin Haji Muhammad Yassin, Prime Minister of Malaysia §