Page 90 - The Covid-19 Chronicles of Malaysia: Navigating the Storm
P. 90
Control at Strategic Sites
28 Aug 2020: International
Ports of Entry All travellers
arriving at the ports of entry
will undergo:
- a health screening process,
- swab for COVID-19 testing,
- download MySejahtera app,
- self-quarantine for 14 days.
Of 106,793 travellers arriving
in Malaysia, MOH detects 904
cases (0.85%).
Police closes 11 laluan tikus
(back alleys) around Amanjaya, Source: DG Hisham Facebook §
Sungai Petani, with the
administrative EMCO. §
29 Aug 2020: Terendak
Camp Military Hospital Two
cases detected. Terendak
Camp Armed Forces and
Melaka State Health
Department assess risk to
personnel, conduct active
case detection and screen
close contacts of confirmed
cases. They issue HSO to
close contacts. §
Source: MKN Facebook §
30 Aug 2020: Sign-on and Sign-off Health Screening Two cases detected - MV
Glen Cluster on a ship. MOH stresses the importance of sign-on and sign-off health
screening - one of the international border controls to prevent the influx of
potentially COVID-19 infected individuals into the country. §