Page 14 - NIH Bulletin Vol. 17 July 2021 #WeMustWin
P. 14
Bulletin National Institutes of Health, Malaysia Vol 17 • 2021
A webinar titled “COVID-19: Health Policy and Systems Research
is Crucial for an Evidence-based Response” was organised by the
Institute for Health Systems Research (IHSR) on 25 June 2020, in
collaboration with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine (LSHTM), United Kingdom and United Nations University-
International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH). This is part
of the “Accelerating development of Health Policy and Systems
Research (HPSR) capacity in Western Pacific Region (WPRO) for
health systems strengthening” project.
The webinar aimed to demonstrate the importance of Health
Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) concept in the COVID-19
management using the UK, Philippines, and Malaysia as examples.
Three speakers, Professor Martin McKee from LSHTM, Dr. Katherine
Ann Reyes from the University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines
and Dr. Awatef Amer Nordin, from the IHSR, National Institutes of
Health (NIH), Malaysia, shared a summary of their country’s health
systems experience in response towards COVID-19 pandemic. The
project co-lead, Dr. Dina Balabanova from LSHTM also shared HPSR
competencies and emphasised the importance of having the right
competencies, leadership and support by excellent political will in
handling outbreaks. This webinar which was accessible through
Webex and also on NIH Youtube Channel has almost 500 views with
participants who were stakeholders, researchers, academicians,
clinicians, and students from Asia, Europe & UK.