P. 24

In  specific  disease  group,  Unintentional  Injuries  become  the  most  leading  disease  categories
               In specific disease group, Unintentional Injuries become the most leading disease categories
            towards YLL in the age of young adult (15 to 29 years old) and children (5 to 14 years old). Starting at
               In specific disease group, Unintentional Injuries become the most leading disease categories
               towards YLL in the age of young adult (15 to 29 years old) and children (5 to 14 years old).
               towards YLL in the age of young adult (15 to 29 years old) and children (5 to 14 years old).
            older adult age group (30-49 years old), Cardiovascular and Circulatory Disease become the most
               Starting at older adult age group (30-49 years old), Cardiovascular and Circulatory Disease
               Starting at older adult age group (30-49 years old), Cardiovascular and Circulatory Disease
            leading disease categories towards YLL until elderly age group (60 years and above) (Figure 3.3).
               become the most leading disease categories towards YLL until elderly age group (60 years
               become the most leading disease categories towards YLL until elderly age group (60 years
            Male had the same pattern of fatal burden of YLL as compared with overall population (Figure 3.4).
               and above) (Figure 3.3). Male had the same pattern of fatal burden of YLL as compared with
               and above) (Figure 3.3). Male had the same pattern of fatal burden of YLL as compared with
            Among female, Malignant Neoplasm become the most leading disease categories towards YLL in
               overall  population  (Figure 3.4).  Among  female,  Malignant Neoplasm  become  the  most
               overall  population  (Figure 3.4).  Among  female,  Malignant Neoplasm  become  the  most
            older adult (30 – 49 years old) to pre-elderly (50-59 years old) while Cardiovascular and Circulatory
               leading disease categories towards YLL in older adult (30 – 49 years old) to pre-elderly (50-
               leading disease categories towards YLL in older adult (30 – 49 years old) to pre-elderly (50-
               59 years old) while Cardiovascular and Circulatory Diseases become the most leading disease
            Diseases become the most leading disease categories towards YLL in elderly (60 years and above)
               59 years old) while Cardiovascular and Circulatory Diseases become the most leading disease
            (Figure 3.5). s towards YLL in elderly (60 years and above) (Figure 3.5).
                    categories towards YLL in elderly (60 years and above) (Figure 3.5).
               Figure 3.2: Percentage (%) of fatal burden (YLL), by age group and gender, 2015.
                      Figure 3.2: Percentage (%) of fatal burden (YLL), by age group and gender, 2015.
               Figure 3.2: Percentage (%) of fatal burden (YLL), by age group and gender, 2015.

                 Figure 3.3: Percentage (%) of fatal burden (YLL), by disease categories and age group,
               Figure 3.3: Percentage (%) of fatal burden (YLL), by disease categories and age group,
               person, 2015.
            Figure 3.3: Percentage (%) of fatal burden (YLL), by disease categories and age group, person, 2015.
               person, 2015.

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