Page 60 - A Step-By-Step Guide to Questionnaire Validation Research
P. 60
introducing bias into the backward translation process
(which may occur due to the same people performing both
the forward and backward translation), an additional and
independent individual or group of individuals from both
arms who are blinded from the original questionnaire who
shall then be assigned to translate the questionnaire
[which had already been translated into a local (or native)
language] back to the foreign language.
Hence, a researcher will receive a total of four
translated versions of questionnaires at the end of the both
forward and backward translation processes. This is
because the subject matter experts (i.e. SMEs) have
produced two different versions of the translated
questionnaire, one obtained from forward translation and
another obtained from backward translation. Likewise, the
linguistic experts have also produced two different
versions of the translated questionnaire (i.e. one obtained