Page 10 - Recommendations-for-biostatisticians-in-managing-and-conducting-medical-research-consultations
P. 10

2. Essential Consulting Skills for Biostatisticians

               Table 1 provides a list of important skills that are expected of a biostatistician. It is not
               necessary  for  a  biostatistician  to  have  mastered  all  these  skill  sets overnight  since  both
               knowledge and skills can be acquired gradually over time. This means that the skill sets
               that are listed below can guide the learning process for a biostatistician which shall lend
               themselves to gradually acquiring all the necessary attributes and qualities of a competent
               research consultant over time. Therefore, this Table 1 provides a very useful guide for a
               biostatistician to follow in order to gradually acquire all these requisite skill sets which are
               necessary for a competent research consultant to acquire over time, preferably within a
               short span of time.

                   It  may  not  be  adequate  for  a  biostatistician  to  merely  offer  statistical  advice  alone
               because  statistical  analysis  is  only  a  part  of  the  entire  research  process.  In  addition,
               statistics  by  itself  cannot  stand  alone  in  any  research  work  because  it  must  serve  the
               purpose of a research proposal by aligning with the study design and study objective(s) of
               any research. Thus, the first step will always be to assess the true scientific merit of the
               research itself.

                   This  is  not  a  responsibility  of  the  biostatistician.  Instead,  the  research  client  is
               responsible for ensuring that:
                       -the study has reasonable scientific merit
                       -the  study  is  feasible  to  be  conducted  after  considering  current  resources  and
                       human capacity
                       -the study is complying with ethical standards
                   before  he/she  approaches  a  biostatistician  to  request  for  a  formal  biostatistical

                   This is because the statistics will not make any sense if the research itself has either
               little or no scientific value, or will not be feasible or is unethical. Although the scientific
               merit of a research and also its accompanying ethical and feasibility considerations
               are  not  the  immediate  concerns  of  a  biostatistician,  however  ignoring  these
               considerations  will  almost  certainly  jeopardize  the  entire  research  and  statistics
               alone will not be able to offer any remedial action to rectify the situation. Therefore,
               the  biostatistician will need to  make  sure  that  the  research client  has  provided a  sound
               verification of the fulfilment of all the three conditions as stated above.

                   After having assessed the three abovementioned conditions, the next step shall be to
               determine the validity and appropriateness of its research design and methodology. This is
               in  order  to  ensure  that  a  research  design  and  its  methodology  must  match  its  study
               objective(s) exactly so that the researchers (research clients) can collect data and evaluate
               them according to its study objective(s). Ideally, part of the roles and duties listed by this
               section shall be assumed by the research client him/herself, who will usually be assisted by
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