Page 5 - Recommendations-for-biostatisticians-in-managing-and-conducting-medical-research-consultations
P. 5

Table, Figures and Image

               Table 1: Scope of core competencies and skills for a competent biostatistician
                   Figure 1: An illustration of the temporal relationship between the important processes
               or events that have occurred for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)
                   Figure  2:  The  connection  between  Time  Event  Visualization  (TEV)  and  Conceptual
               Framework  (CF)  which  delineates  the  association  between  a  possible  risk  factor(s)  and
               disease outcome(s)
                   Image  1.  Photo  was  taken  of  a  real-life  research  consultation  session  during  the
               COVID19 pandemic
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