Page 33 - The COVID-19 Chronicles of Malaysia: The Tsunami
P. 33
The Deputy Director-General of Health
This is a challenging time.
Challenging times require
rethinking and reengineering.
Innovations and repurposing
saves the day.
At national level, the
healthcare system poses a
ballgame at a different level
and perspective, demanding
anticipatory and forward,
creative planning to foresee
demand, not unlike warfare.
I am awed by what medical
care has achieved so far, in
anticipating and meeting the
tsunami of admissions head-
on, and rallying forth with I am awed by what medical care has
required beds, manpower, achieved so far...
consumables and so much
more. This is all possible, God-willing, with the
persistence and tenacity of frontliners, and
This is all possible, God- the continual, capable and able help of
willing, with the persistence other sectors, NGOs, volunteers and many
and tenacity of frontliners, more.
and the continual, capable - Datuk Dr Asmayani binti Khalib
and able help of other
sectors, NGOs, volunteers
and many more.