Page 25 - The COVID-19 Chronicles of Malaysia: The Tsunami
P. 25

The Secretary-General

           The past 12 months have

           been very tough, not only
           for Malaysians, but also for
           the whole human

           The COVID-19 pandemic
           has claimed thousands

           of lives and caused a deep
           impact in the hearts of
           millions, not only to the
           relatives and friends of

           those who died from COVID-
           19, but also the damaging
           effects wrought elsewhere.             Perkhidmatan penyumberan luar ke hospital
                                                   swasta merupakan salah satu inisiatif yang

           Together, Malaysians have               dilaksanakan untuk mengurangkan beban
           fought the war with blood,              dan mempercepatkan rawatan susulan kes
           sweat, and tears.                         tertunggak semasa wabak COVID-19.

           Implementing multiple                  Outsourcing of services to private hospitals is
           strategies and allocating the           one of the initiatives undertaken to reduce

           resources that we managed              the burden and expedite follow-up treatment
           to source, we have stretched              of overdue cases during the COVID-19
           and reinvented resources to                            outbreak.      Translated text
           address the tsunami, and                - Dato' Mohd Shafiq Bin Abdullah   §

           will continue to find novel,
           unprecedented ways to
           address healthcare systems'


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