Page 177 - The Covid-19 Chronicles of Malaysia: Navigating the Storm
P. 177
Targeted Cordon Sanitaire,
Mandatory Quarantine
13 Oct 2020: EMCO for Penang The government announces EMCO for Penang,
involving 2,306 prisoners, 304 staff and families in residential quarters. §
Screening & Mandatory Quarantine Detainees due to be released during the EMCO
have to undergo health screening and mandatory quarantine prior to release.
Treatment will be provided if they are found to be positive after date of release.
14 Oct 2020:
Activities ongoing:
active case
sentinel surveillance
in clinics & hospital
cleaning and
increasing testing,
detection, isolation
and treatment.
MOH is working with
Source: National CPRC Facebook §
various agencies to
provide explanations,
advice and education
to the community to
continue to cultivate
new norms of life so
that we can break the
chain of infection
transmission in the
community. §
Source: National CPRC Facebook §