Page 173 - The Covid-19 Chronicles of Malaysia: Navigating the Storm
P. 173
Of Shortcuts and Silver Bullets
12 Oct 2020: The World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General briefs on herd
immunity and vaccines. Key points:
WHO hopes countries will use targeted interventions where and when needed.
There are no shortcuts, and no silver bullets.
The answer is a comprehensive approach, using every tool in the toolbox. §
Herd Immunity The WHO Director-General explains:
We don’t know enough about immunity to COVID-19.
Most people infected develop an immune response, but we don’t know how strong
or lasting that immune response is, or how it differs for different people.
There are some examples of people being infected for a second time.
Vast majority of people in most countries remain susceptible to this virus.
Seroprevalence surveys show less than 10% of the population have been infected.
Letting the virus circulate unchecked means allowing unnecessary infections,
suffering and death. §