Page 130 - The Covid-19 Chronicles of Malaysia: Navigating the Storm
P. 130
IMR Conducts Genome Sequencing
25 Sept 2020: IMR detects D614G mutation in virus isolates and cultures for
Benteng LD, PUI Sivagangga, Tawar, Sungai and Bikut Tiram Clusters.
All viruses isolated from the clusters in Kedah are interrelated and likely originated
from the same source. All viruses from the Benteng LD cluster were similar but not
related to the COVID-19 virus found in Kedah, although all have D614G mutations.
Several follow-up tests are underway for the COVID-19 virus family group
(Phylogenetic tree). §
Source: DG Hisham Facebook §
Source: DG Hisham Facebook §