Page 27 - NIH Bulletin Vol. 17 July 2021 #WeMustWin
P. 27



          OF NHMS 2020

          Institute for Public Health (IKU) has
          conducted the National Health and
          Morbidity Survey (NHMS) since 1986.
          NHMS is a cross-sectional population-
          based survey that collects health
          related  information  among  the
          general population in Malaysia. In
          2020, for the first time, NHMS was
          focusing primarily on the scope
          of communicable diseases. Topics
          included COVID-19 virus infections,
          Hepatitis B & C, HIV knowledge &
          stigma,  Tuberculosis,  Antibiotic Use
          & Antimicrobial Resistance, Malaria,
          Dengue and dog-mediated Human

          There were 113 enumeration blocks
          (EBs) selected for the survey covering
          all of  Malaysia. A total of 5,957
          respondents aged 1 years old and above
          (response rate: 87.37%) participated in
          the  survey from  2,260  living  quarters
          (LQs). The survey was carried out   fill-up the Cognitive, Affective and   The study reported about 0.6% of the
          from August to October 2020. Amid   Behavior (CAB) survey booklet by   population (an estimated 191,279)
          COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the     themselves and the booklet was given   were infected with COVID-19 after
          NHMS had modified its data collection   by the research assistants during   the  second wave of the pandemic in
          methods where conventional data    scouting  activities  prior  to  the  actual   Malaysia. Out of those who developed
          collection at household survey was   survey.                          SARS-CoV-2 antibody, 4 in 5 developed
          prohibited. To minimize duration of                                   neutralizing antibodies.
          direct contact with respondents, data   Phase II data collection was done
          collection for NHMS 2020 involved two   via  Computer-assisted  Telephone
          phases. Data collection for the first   Interview (CATI) for interview-typed
          phase was conducted on-site at the   questionnaires. Respondents from
          selected EBs. Face-to-face interview,   the  first  phase  were  contacted  and
          administration  of  sensitive  self-  interviewed  by  trained  research
          administered questionnaires (SAQs)   assistants at the CATI operation room
          and blood taking were conducted    at the Institute for Public Health. To
          on appointment basis at the data   improve participation rate, the CATI
          collector centre.  All blood samples   operated 7 days a week from 8 a.m to
          were sent to the Institute for Medical   10 p.m on a shift basis.
          Research (IMR) for COVID-19 antibody
          testing, while testing for Hepatitis B &
          C were done at the accredited private
          medical lab. All respondents were
          notified  of  their  blood  test  results.
          Respondents with positive results were
          counselled and referred to the nearest
          government health clinics for further
          medical evaluation and management.
          Postal survey was also done during
          phase  1  where  respondents  had  to

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