P. 39

Overall, YLL was mostly contributed by Cardiovascular and Circulatory Diseases (1,212,647; 32.4%)
            followed by Malignant Neoplasms (531,830; 14.2%) and Unintentional Injuries (402,157; 10.8%). As
            for gender, YLL in male mostly contributed by Cardiovascular and Circulatory Diseases (744,822;
            33.0%) followed by Unintentional Injuries (323,931; 14.4%) and Malignant Neoplasms (281,827;
            12.5%). For female, YLL mostly contributed by Cardiovascular and Circulatory Diseases (467,825;
            31.5%) followed by Malignant Neoplasms (250,003; 16.8%) and Respiratory Infections (141,485; 9.5%)
            (Figure 3.11). All other categories can be seen in Table 3.9.

                 Table 3.9: Fatal burden of disease and injury (YLL) by disease groups and by gender, 2017.

                                                              PERSON             MALE            FEMALE
             Disease Categories
                                                            YLL       %       YLL      %       YLL       %
             INFECTIOUS DISEASES                            177,881   4.76   120,840   5.36     57,041   3.84
             RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS                         310,558   8.30   169,073    7.50   141,485   9.52

             MATERNAL CONDITIONS                             11,634   0.31         -   0.00     11,634   0.78
             NEONATAL CONDITIONS                             117,921  3.15    68,761   3.05     49,160   3.31
             NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY                            292    0.01       201   0.01        91    0.01
             MALIGNANT NEOPLASMS                            531,830  14.22   281,827  12.50   250,003   16.83
             BENIGN NEOPLASMS                                 21,176  0.57     10,121  0.45     11,056   0.74
             DIABETES MELLITUS                              205,500   5.49   100,205   4.45    105,295   7.09
             ENDOCRINE, BLOOD AND IMMUNE DISORDERS           51,020   1.36    20,504   0.91     30,516   2.05

             MENTAL AND BEHAVIOURAL DISORDERS                 6,404   0.17     5,765   0.26       639    0.04
             NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS                         72,813   1.95    44,198   1.96     28,615   1.93
             SENSE ORGAN DISEASES                               221   0.01        37   0.00       185    0.01
             CARDIOVASCULAR AND CIRCULATORY DISEASES       1,212,647  32.43  744,822  33.04    467,825  31.49
             RESPIRATORY DISEASES                           235,611   6.30   148,583   6.59     87,027   5.86

             DIGESTIVE DISEASES                             148,941   3.98    92,676    4.11    56,265   3.79
             GENITO URINARY DISEASE                          79,125   2.12    38,227   1.70    40,898    2.75
             SKIN DISEASES                                   25,334   0.68    16,260   0.72      9,074   0.61
             MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASES                        26,039   0.70     11,190  0.50     14,849   1.00
             CONGENITAL ANOMALIES                            81,764   2.19     37,752   1.67    44,012   2.96
             ORAL CONDITIONS                                  1,085   0.03       812   0.04       273    0.02
             UNINTENTIONAL INJURIES                         402,157  10.75   323,931   14.37    78,227   5.27

             INTENTIONAL INJURIES                            19,871   0.53    18,395   0.82      1,476   0.10
             TOTAL YLL                                    3,739,825   100   2,254,181   100  1,485,644   100

               GROUP I: Communicable Disease, Maternal,      GROUP II: Non-communicable      GROUP III: Injury
                      Perinatal, Nutritional Status                    Disease

                                                     Malaysian Burden Of Disease And Injury Study 2015-2017
                                             CENTRE FOR BURDEN OF DISEASE RESEARCH, INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC HEALTH  29
   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44