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IMR Annual Report 2020                                                                               73

              The  role  of  the  Biomedical  Epidemiology  Unit  is  to  focus  on  advanced  data  analytics  in
              epidemiological  research  and  infectious  disease  surveillance.  These  include  forecasting  and
              modelling  of  infectious  diseases  like  COVID-19,  dengue,  tuberculosis  and  other  infectious
              diseases. The unit was involved in calculating disease indicators for surveillance purposes, such
              as the time-varying reproduction number for the COVID-19 outbreak in Malaysia. Epidemiological
              research conducted also included multi-variate analysis and spatial-temporal analysis. Training
              and consultations are conducted annually by this unit to provide knowledge and understanding
              in applied epidemiology for enhancing public health surveillance and outbreak management. The
              unit is involved in periodicals for IMR such as the IMR Newsletter and IMR Bulletin.

              SRC Research

               NO.               RESEARCH TITLE                   NMRR NUMBER          INVESTIGATOR (PI)
                                                                                       OR CO-PRINCIPAL
                                                                                     INVESTIGATOR (CO-PI)

                    D-MOSS  (Dengue  Mosquito  Simulation  from                       Dr Balvinder Singh Gill
                1                                               NMRR-19-4063-50145
                    Satellites): An Approach to Malaysia                                      (PI)
                    SEIR models to determine the effectiveness of
                2   the Movement Control Order (MCO) during the  NMRR-20-953-54856      Dr Sarbhan Singh          (SRC)  Special Resource Centre
                                                                                        Lakha Singh (PI)
                    COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia
                    Assessment  of  association  between  smoking
                3                                               NMRR-20-722-52989      Lim Kuang Hock (PI)
                    and mortality among Malaysian adult population

                                                                                    The Biomedical
                                                                                    Epidemiology Unit team
                                                                                    discussing and presenting
                                                                                    their research findings
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94