Page 93 - IMR Annual Report 2022: Institute for Medical Research
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                                                                       Report2022                      77
                                                                               INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH

            SRC Research Highlights

                                                                    NMRR           investigator (PI)/
              No.                  Research Title                   Number           Co-principal
                                                                                 investigator (Co-PI)

               1     Description of the COVID-19 epidemiology in   NMRR ID-22-   Dr Mohamad Nadzmi
                     Malaysia                                      00940-PF6     Md Nadzri
               2     Ultrastructural and morphological studies on   NMRR ID-22-  Nur Afrina Muhamad
                     variables affecting the antibiotic mechanism   00695-LPT    Hendri/ A.S.Santhana
                     of actions on selected clinically important                 Raj Louis Masalamany
                     Escherichia coli in Malaysia
               3     Modified   electron  microscopy   staining   NMRR ID-22-    A.S.Santhana Raj
                     protocol by using Reynalds’ with ethanol for   00663-HYL    Louis Masalamany /
                     kidney samples                                              Nur Afrina Muhamad

               4     Developing 3D cell culture systems for       NMRR ID-22-    Nur Afrina Muhamad
                     scalable human induced pluripotent stem cell   00196-PFJ    Hendri

               5     Analisis bibliometrik dan visualisasi jurnal   NMRR-22-     Mohd Hazilas Mat
                     berkaitan permuziuman di Malaysia             00423-VYJ     Hashim

               6     A journey of tropical biomedicine journal from   NMRR-22-   Tiunh Tsye Yih
                     2005 to 2021: A scientometric analysis       014530-LZK

               7     The studies on Ae. aegypti from 1924 to 2021:   NMRR-22-    Dr. Cheong Yoon Ling
                     A scientometric review using text mining     01333-RCQ

               8     Web-based COVID-19 epidemic surveillance      NMRR-21-      Dr. Sarbhan Singh
                     tool: Developing and validating a statistical   300-58289
                     algorithm and application to estimate time-
                     varying reproduction number for Malaysia
               9     Developing a COVID-19 situational level       NMRR-21-      Dr. Sarbhan Singh
                     matrix in Malaysia based on the World Health   102-58170
                     Organization (WHO) Interim Guidance Report
                     using  Community  Transmission  on  Health
                     System Capacity Indicators
               10    Assessing the spatiotemporal spread patterns   NMRR-21-     Dr. Cheong Yoon Ling
                     of the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia          367-58473

               11    Bibliometric analysis of Institute for Medical   NMRR-21-   Shyamini Ann Samson
                     Research (IMR) publications from year 1900 -   764-59478
               12    Effectiveness of the movement control         NMRR-21-      Dr. Ahmed Syahmi
                     measures during the third wave of COVID-19    597-59440     Syafiq Md Zamri
                     outbreak in Malaysia                                                                  (SRC)  Special Resource Centre

               13    Evaluation of the usability and output of     NMRR-21-      Sumarni Mohd
                     MozzHub, a bipartite network-based dengue     836-59546     Ghazali
                     mosquito detector at district health offices in

               14    Forecasting COVID-19 case trends using        NMRR-21-      Dr. Tan Cia Vei
                     ARIMA models during the third wave of         912-59760
                     COVID-19 in Malaysia
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