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      Overall,  adolescence  is  an  opportune  period  to  cultivate  healthy  sexual  and  reproductive  health.
      Adolescence  is  the  period  during  which  a  person's  physical,  cognitive,  emotional,  social,  and
      economic resources are formed, laying the groundwork for later life and health. It is also a period
      of  constant  physical,  mental,  and  social  development,  as  well  as  a  time  when  many  individuals
      explore their sexuality and form relationships with others.

      To  our  knowledge,  the  World  Health  Organization  published  the  only  extensive  review  of
      adolescent  sexual  and  reproductive  health  in  Malaysia,  which  was  published  in  2007.  The  goal  of
      this review is to provide comprehensive evidence on trends, behavioural factors, and interventions
      that can help guide future research and facilitate a better understanding of adolescent sexual and
      reproductive  health  in  Malaysia  so  that  adolescent  health  services  can  be  strengthened  and

      The review process has at least five stages. Using resources such as Google Scholar, MEDLINE, and
      PubMed,  we  found  relevant  studies  related  to  adolescent  sexual  and  reproductive  health  in

      Malaysia  between  2004  and  2018.  Preferred  Reporting  Items  for  Systematic  Reviews  and  Meta-
      Analyses (PRISMA) criteria were used to select the studies (PRISMA).

      The  search  yielded  8,626  results,  with  6,866  of  them  coming  from  database  searches  and  1,760
      from  grey  literature.  After  removing  6,412  duplicate  records,  there  were  just  2,214  entries  left.
      Finally, 138 articles met the inclusion criteria. Teenage pregnancy and unsafe sex, according to the
      study,  are  all  negative  effects  of  risky  sexual  behaviour.  Major  topics  included  the  importance  of
      individual  morality  and  religion  in  sexual  and  reproductive  health,  parenting,  psychological
      aspects, and how sexual decision-making influences teenagers' perceptions of premarital sex.

      The  majority  of  the  research  emphasised  the  need  to  strengthen  intervention  efforts  to  prevent
      the negative consequences of risky sexual behaviour. This input can be categorised into a number
      of  different  intervention  strategies,  such  as  community-based,  family-based,  and  school-based
      interventions,  as  well  as  religious  and  moral  education.  Several  recommendations  are  presented,

      including  improving  early  adolescent  sexual  and  reproductive  health  education.  Programs  are
      geared  towards  specific  populations.  To  meet  the  unmet  needs  of  these  adolescent  subgroups,  a
      comprehensive  approach,  interagency  collaboration,  and  coordination  among  numerous
      stakeholders would be required. The significance of looking into out-of-school youth is that certain
      groups  of  Malaysian  youths  have  been  under-researched  in  terms  of  sexual  and  reproductive

      Apart from that, because certain programmes now emphasize the development of life skills such as
      decision-making  and  self-efficacy,  in  order  to  equip  adolescents  with  the  ability  to  resist  peer
      pressure and understand their right to sexual health information and services, culturally sensitive
      intervention  strategies  are  required.  In  Sabah  and  Sarawak,  more  research  on  sexual  and
      reproductive health is needed among adolescents. As this study demonstrates, adolescents engage
      in sexual behaviour for a variety of reasons or factors. While some studies have shown favourable
      results  in  terms  of  enhancing  sexual  health  education,  awareness,  and  positive  attitudes  and
      behaviours,  more  evidence-based,  culturally  relevant,  and  adolescent-friendly  interventions  are
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