Page 16 - The Covid-19 Chronicles of Malaysia: Navigating the Storm
P. 16
The Prime Minister
More than a year has passed since
the advent of the COVID-19
pandemic in our country. Despite
the successful control of the first
and second wave of cases, we are
currently in the midst of a third
wave of cases. This shows that we
cannot let our guard down for
even one second as the virus
continues to ravage the world.
Nevertheless, we have not given
up the fight as we continue to
strengthen current mitigation
measures and adapt quickly to the
development of unexpected
changes in the course of this
novel disease.
I have full confidence that even in the face
It is indeed a challenge to
implement appropriate measures of 1,001 problems, we can be inspired to
whilst finding a delicate balance find a million solutions. As human beings,
between the maintenance of we can continue to plan and do our very
livelihoods and protection of best, but pray and leave the rest to the
public health. One True Almighty.
- YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Haji Muhyiddin bin Haji
Mohd. Yassin §