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10. Publication and Presentation
All scientific dissemination by the MOH personnel or related to the ministry’s data/research must be
approved by the Director-General of Health Malaysia. Applications for publication and presentation
approval can be done through the NMRR.
10.1. Requirement for Publication and Presentation Submission
An investigator is required to have a full NMRR registration number (for any research that has
not previously registered with NMRR), and state the following: ethical clearance and approval
(if applicable), source of funding (if applicable), and conflict of interest amongst the authors.
MOH affiliated investigators are required to add the Ministry of Health Malaysia after their
organisation name.
E.g., : Samad B, Medical Department, Sungai Buloh Hospital, Ministry of Health Malaysia.
10.2. Processing of Publication and Presentation Submission
Submission to NMRR for “Publication and Presentation Approval ‘’ can be done throughout the
research period, after the investigator has received ethical approval or decision from MREC or
after the completion of the research. Investigators are reminded to always update the research
status or progress in the NMRR, especially when there are changes to the initial submission.
The initial submission through NMRR for ethical review and approval by MREC and publication
or presentation approval can also be done concurrently for research types that are exempted
from MREC review, an example is in the case where an investigator wishes to have supporting
documents (exemption letter) from the ethical committee for submission to journal publication.
(Diagram 4: Publication & Presentation Review Processing Flowchart)
For approvals pertaining to publication, a processing period of a minimum of 14 working days
is required for each application.
In cases in which the initial journal rejected the investigator’s manuscript, the letter of approval
obtained can be used for submission to other journals. The investigators must update the
journal’s name in the NMRR once the manuscript is published.
NIH investigators are required to submit their manuscripts to a journal indexed in the Web of
Science or Scopus.
For approvals pertaining to presentations, all investigators must submit the application a
minimum of 21 days prior to the presentation day. Any submission that is less than 21 days
will not be processed.
**Bulk submission for presentation approval can be done by the conference or seminar
organising committee. The following criteria must be fulfilled:
i. The abstract has been reviewed and supported for presentation by the scientific review
panel of the respective organising committee; and
ii. The organising committee shall send a request for bulk submission for presentation
approval to the Communication and Scientific Dissemination Unit.
NIH Guidelines for Conducting Research in MOH, 2021 25