Page 56 - THE COVID-19 CHRONICLES OF MALAYSIA: Revitalising Recovery
P. 56

Assistance     Medical Resources & Stock

 11 Aug 2021: Burial   13 Aug 2021: Ambulances
 Expenses A one-off   MOH is finalising the

 assistance of RM5,000 is   procurement of 490
 given to the next of kin of   ambulances, equipping vans
 Malaysians who died of, or   with minimum medical
 related to, COVID-19   equipment such as oxygen
 infection.    §    §  cylinders, outsourcing 25
                ambulances from private

                sector as well as an
 Source: PMO Facebook    §
                additional 100 rentals.    §
                                                         Source: JKN Perak
                Drugs MOH applies to                     Facebook    §
 Complete the vaccine before the final trimester   Pregnancy MOH   Ministry of Finance for an
 of pregnancy.  advices pregnant   additional RM50 million
 women on       for drugs for COVID-19.    §
 Stay home except going out for necessary   preventive
 purposes only.  measures, and to   Outsourcing 40 government
 get the COVID-19   hospitals and 76 private
 Adapt to the new normal (Wear face masks, avoid   vaccine. Contact   hospitals nationwide are
 crowded places and maintain good hygiene).  the nearest health   involved, with an estimated

 If there are family members undergoing   clinic to expedite   15,000 non-COVID-19
 quarantine at home, make sure they fully   the appointment   patients to be transferred by
 comply with the quarantine procedures.  process.    §    §    the end of the year, from   Source: JKN Perak
                                                                                Facebook    §
                government to private
                facilities.    §
 12 Aug 2021: Vaccination:   Multi-Country Trial Malaysia
 Private Practitioners (GP)   joins a WHO study involving
 GPs are a tremendous   600 hospitals from 52
 help in PICK throughout   countries. This Solidarity Plus
 the country. As of 8   Study looks at the effect of 3
 August, 1605 active GP   drugs with antiviral effects
 PPVs under the   (Artesunate, Imatinib and

 coordination of PHCorp   Infliximab) in reducing the
 have given 762,419 doses   risk of death of COVID-19
 of vaccine.    §    §  patients.    §    §                   Source: Prezi
 Source: DG Hisham Facebook    §
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