Page 46 - THE COVID-19 CHRONICLES OF MALAYSIA: Revitalising Recovery
P. 46

More Choices, Faster  More Resources Still

 3 Aug 2021: More   4 Aug 2021: Greater Klang Valley Task Force (GKVTF) The multi-stakeholder task force
 Self-Test Kits 14 kits   1  Salixium RTK-Ag   4  ALLTest RTK-Ag   coordinates:
 are currently   Swab Sample)  (Saliva Sample)  Increase in COVID-19 Hospital and ICU bed capacity
                  Increase in LRQC and CACs capacity
 undergoing       Enhancement of the outsourcing of non-COVID-19 cases to private hospitals
 laboratory testing,   Gmate RTK-Ag   JusChek RTK-Ag   Ambulance services with Civil Defence Force, Fire and Rescue Department, NGOs
 while 35 are   2  (Saliva Sample)  5  (Saliva Sample)  including Malaysian Red Crescent Society and St John Ambulance
 undergoing       Collaboration with NGOs and volunteers to strengthen our contact tracing    §    §    §
 assessments in the
 country, pending   3  BERIGHT RTK-Ag   6  Longsee RTK-Ag
 approval. MOH has   (Saliva Sample)  (Saliva Sample)
 approved 6 kits.    §      Source: Medical Device Authority (MDA) Facebook    §

 §    §

 Controlled Item
 Self-test kits may be

 a price controlled   Controlled Item
 item.    §            Source: MOH COVID-19    §

                Repurposed Penang Hospital converts its outpatient department into wards for COVID-
                19 patients. Nearby health clinics are prepared to receive the outpatients under
 Source: Author's collection      follow-up that are affected. Obtain referral letters from the Health Education Resource
                Center, Day Care Complex.    §
 COVID-19 Burial
 Management of the
 remains of Muslim

 patients in Selangor
 now do not exceed
 24 hours. For non-
 Muslims, talks are
 ongoing to reduce
 the current duration
 of four days.    §
 Source: MOH COVID-19    §  Source: JKN Penang Facebook    §
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