Page 28 - THE COVID-19 CHRONICLES OF MALAYSIA: Revitalising Recovery
P. 28

Under the Emergency Ordinance 2021, the newly completed Hospital Pakar   The response to the COVID-19
 Kanak-Kanak UKM (HPKK UKM) was designated to treat category 4 and 5   pandemic requires us to be as
 COVID-19 cases. In addition, Tuanku Mizan Army Hospital activated their   agile as the virus mutates, leading

 Disaster Management Zone to treat category 4 and 5 COVID-19 cases from   to new variants emerging. We
 the Klang Valley. Furthermore, field hospitals were established in selected   have the public health tools
 COVID-19 hospitals in collaboration with the Malaysian Armed Forces and   available to us to reopen safely,
 NGO.           and the development of anti-virals

                will provide extra ammunition for
 The National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK) was also in full   us to progress towards endemicity.

 force making Malaysia one of the fastest countries to vaccinate more than   However, to be successful as a
 70% of its population. The PICK delivered 582,524 vaccine doses at its peak   society, we must take collective
 on the 28th of July 2021. Up until the 31st of December 2021, almost 80%   and responsible action towards
 of the eligible Malaysian population had completed their COVID-19   living with the pandemic,

 vaccination.   including practising Test, Report,
                Isolate, Inform and Seek (TRIIS)
                and adhering to public health and
                                                            Source: DG Hisham Facebook    §
                social measures.

                This COVID-19 pandemic is not the first pandemic, nor will it be the last—
                my deepest gratitude to all the frontliners for their concerted efforts to

                serve and protect our nation.

                                                     Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Noor Hisham bin Abdullah
                                                     Director-General of Health Malaysia

 Source: DG Hisham Facebook    §

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