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IMR Annual Report 2020 vi
The institute’s Introduction
In 2020, the Institute for Medical achievements in
Research (IMR) was actively
engaged in activities to provide 2020 include 115
technical support to the Ministry publications, 57
of Health to curb the COVID-19 presentations, 120
pandemic while continuing
many local and international collaborations, 634
high-impact, biomedical consultations and 11
research. Early preparation awards.
and initiatives resulted in the
development of a COVID-19 During the year, our institute
diagnostic protocol in January was graced by visits from the
2020, a week ahead of the World Minister of Health, Deputy
Health Organisation (WHO). Ministers, Chief Secretary of
IMR also began collaborative the Ministry of Health and
research in testing for potential the Deputy Director General
vaccines against the SARS- (Research & Technical Support)
CoV-2 virus and carried out to observe activities carried
statistic modelling to assist the out at IMR, especially at the
Ministry of Health in decisions COVID-19 Laboratory.
for national COVID-19 control
strategies. The institute’s lab May IMR continue to advance
diagnostics capacity was also in the field of biomedical
enhanced. research and contribute towards
protecting and elevating the
IMR continued its research health of the nation.
in the fields of infectious
disease, non-communicable
disease, nutrition, metabolism,
environmental health, cancer,
herbal medicine, allergy
immunology and diagnostics. YBrs. Dr. Hj. Tahir b. Aris
Institute for Medical Research (IMR)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Ministry of Health Malaysia