Page 8 - nhms2016 maternal and child findings
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          National Health And Morbidity Survey 2016 : Maternal And Child Health (MCH)  Volume II : Findings


          The authors would like to express their appreciation to the Director-General of Health, Malaysia, for
          his permission to publish this report. The authors would also like to thank the Director-General of
          Health Malaysia for his enduring support and guidance during the conduct of this survey. Our deepest
          gratitude to the Director, Economic Planning Unit, Prime Ministers Department for recognising the
          need to study various aspects of children’s health, development and education, thereby leading to the
          implementation of this study under the umbrella of the National Health and Morbidity Surveys. Our
          sincere appreciation to the Deputy Director-General (Research and Technical Support), our beloved
          Director of the Family Health Development Division and our esteemed Director of the Institute for
          Public Health, for their unwavering support, confidence and technical advice throughout the various
          stages of the survey.

          The National Health and Morbidity Survey 2016, was accomplished with budget supported by the
          Economic Planning Unit, Prime Ministers Department, through the National Institutes of Health,
          Ministry of Health Malaysia. Technical advice was from the Advisory Panel and Steering Committee,
          consisting of executives and experts from both inside and outside the Ministry of Health. The authors
          would like to express our heartfelt thanks to them.

          The authors thank all the State Health Directors and all State Liaison Officers who have been
          instrumental in mobilising resources during the data collection phase. The authors also thank all
          parties who assisted in the implementation of the survey, from the field supervisors, data collectors,
          nurses, scouts and drivers, without whom the survey would not have been a success.

          Last but not least, our sincere appreciation is extended to all respondents who had participated in and
          contributed their time and information towards the survey. It is our hope that these valuable findings
          will help program leaders and policy makers to better run the various health and educational services
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