Page 20 - nhms2015-healthcare-demand-volumeIII
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H E A L T H C A R E   D E M A N D                                   V O L U M E   III

                                    significant difference across age group, gender, ethnicity, marital status, location,
                                    household income group, socioeconomic quintile and type of occupation.
                   Seek treatment or advice from healthcare provider

                                    The  overall  prevalence  of  those  seeking  treatment  or  advice  from  healthcare
                                    provider among those who had health problems within two weeks prior to the
                                    interview was 40.6% (95% CI, 38.9 - 42.4) (Table 1.7). It was significantly higher in
                                    Melaka (56.2%; 95% CI, 45.9 - 65.9) and Negeri Sembilan (54.0%; 95% CI, 47.6 -
                                    60.2) as compared to other states. Those in the 0-4, 5-9 and 70-74 age groups
                                    were significantly higher as opposed to the other age groups.
                                    It  was  also  noted  to  be  lowest  among  those  who  were  still  unmarried;  29.9%
                                    (95%  CI,  27.1  –  32.8)  as  compared  to  those  who  are  still  married  or  were
                                    previously  married.  In  terms  of  occupation,  the  lowest  was  noted  among
                                    students (24.0%; 95% CI, 20.0 - 28.5). There was no significant difference across
                                    the gender, ethnicity, education, household incomes and socioeconomic quintile.

                   Purchase medicine after getting advice from pharmacist
                                    A  total  of  1919  (27.2%;  95%  CI,  25.6  -  28.9)  respondents  reported  that  they
                                    purchased  medicine  after  getting  advice  from  pharmacists  (Table  1.8).  It  was
                                    significantly lower in Melaka (14.1%; 95% CI, 9.7 - 20.1), Negeri Sembilan (13.2%;
                                    95% CI, 7.5 - 22.0) and Pahang (14.1%; 95% CI, 10.3 - 19.0), as compared to the
                                    other states. It was also significantly lower in those who were in 0-4 (18.9%; 95%
                                    CI, 15.7 - 22.6) and 5-9 (19.0%; 95% CI, 15.6 - 23.0) age groups as compared to
                                    other  age  groups.  In  contrast,  it  was  reported  the  highest  among  retiree  with
                                    39.4% (95%CI, 30.3 - 49.2). There was no significant difference across location,
                                    gender,  marital  status,  education  level,  household  income  and  socioeconomic
                    Seek advice from others

                                    A  total  of  602  (8.9%;  95%  CI,  8.0  -  10.0)  respondents  reported  that  they  got
                                    advice  from  others,  other  than  a  healthcare  provider  for  the  illness  reported
                                    (Table  1.9).  The  respondents  were  however  not  being  asked  to  specify  who
                                    was/were the ‘others’. There was no significant difference across the age group,
                                    location,  gender,  ethnicity,  marital  status,  education  level,  type  of  occupation
                                    and healthcare coverage.

                    Other than the above
                                    A total of 165 (2.4%; 95% CI: 2.0 - 3.0) respondents reported that they did not
                                    seek  any  of  the  above  type  of  care  (Table  1.10).  There  was  no  significant
                                    difference  across  the  age  group,  location,  gender,  ethnicity,  marital  status,
                                    education level, type of occupation and healthcare coverage.

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