Page 35 - nhms 2012 Putrajaya
P. 35
Conclusion and Recommendations W.P. PUTRAJAYA GSHS 2012
InW.P. Putrajaya, generally most of the behaviours studied were favourable compared to the national
^gures. Of concern, is the ^nding that about one in ten students claimed that they were not able
sleep due worry and this is almost double the national prevalence. Additionally about one in two
students reported verbal abuse at home.The prevalence of obesity and overweight were found to be
higher than the national ^ndings. More students engaged in sedentary activities.
In cognisance of the ^ndings, the following recommendations are made:
i. Psychosocial factors that contribute to mental health problems need to be further explored.
ii. Use of creative and innovative approaches such as engaging social media to promote healthy
life styles particularly on increasing physical activity and reducing consumption of unhealthy
fast food, need to be explored.
iii. More e\ort is needed to strengthen parenting skills through government, private, NGOs and
community platforms towards more condusive home environment.
vi. Further in-depth comparative studies are recommended to be conducted by relevant agencies
to identify factors that could possibly contribute to the favourable ^ndings. This will enable
other states to adopt the relevant approaches towards more positive behavioural pattern and
holistic health outcomes among the students.