Page 15 - nhms 2012 Pahang
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Executive Summary PAHANG GSHS 2012
Executive Summary
The 2012 Pahang GSHS was conducted from 23 February to 26 April 2012 involving Form 1 to 5
students from 17 schools throughout Pahang. The survey used a two-stage cluster sampling design.
The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of health-related behaviours, risky
behaviours and protective factors among secondary school students in Malaysia. The survey was
administered using a self-administered questionnaire. The response rate at school level was 100%,
with a students‘ response rate of 91.5% (1,560 of 1,705 students responded).
Key Findings
About 64.2% of ever drinkers had their _rst drink of alcohol before the age of 14 years.The prevalence
of current alcohol use was 7.4%. In relation to dietary behaviour, 8.1% of the students were at risk of
becoming underweight, while 10.8% at risk of becoming obese. In the past 30 days, only 27.1% of
students consumed fruits and vegetables at least _ve times daily and almost one third of them, drank
carbonated drinks at least once daily. For drug use, 2.1% of the students reported they had ever used
Overall, 2.6% of the students reported brushing their teeth less than once daily and 86.1% brushed
at least twice daily. Only 55.3% of students reported using `uoridated toothpaste. In the past 30 days,
5.0% never or rarely wash their hands after using the toilet and 5.5% never or rarely wash their hands
after using the toilet or latrine and 17.1% never or rarely used soap when washing their hands during
the past 30 days . Suicidal ideation, suicidal plan and attempted suicide were noted among 8.8%,
9.1% and 8.5% of the students. The inability to sleep at night due to worry was noted among 6.4% of
students, while loneliness was found in 8.5% and 3.2% of students reported having no close friend.
With regards to physical activity, 23.8% of the students were found to be active in the past seven days,
while almost half were engaged in sedentary activities. Parental or guardian supervision was reported
in 12.7% of the students while one third of them claimed had parental or guardians connectedness.
This study found that 11.5% students ever had sex. About 16.2% of the students were current cigarette
smokers. Among those who ever smoked, 72.8% _rst tried a cigarette before the age of 14 years old
while almost half claimed had parents or guardians who used any form of tobacco. Almost 90% of the
students who smoked cigarettes during the past 12 months had tried to stop smoking. Notably, 31.7%
and 30.8% of the students were physically attacked and involved in a physical _ght respectively, with
40.4% who had serious injury. Having been bullied was reported in 20.4% of the while 12.1% had
been physically abused at home.
Taking into cognizance the _ndings of this study and the current available programmes, there is a
need for recommendations to be speci_cally targeted at students and their environment.
Empowerment of students need to be enhanced through increasing appropriate knowledge and
skills against risky behaviours.There is also a need to strengthen the support for students concerned
through multiagency collaborative approaches. In this context, the following recommendations are