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premature discharge and discharge delay by allowing care providers adequate
                           time to plan accordingly).
                        v vHowever, the NEWS system, whilst beneficial, lacks sensitivity and specificity in     xiii
                           subpopulations of older adult patients (with/without comorbidity, high frailty
                           index),  patients  with  chronic  obstructive  pulmonary  diseases  (COPD)  and
                           oncology patients at risk of deterioration.

                        Pre-hospital setting

                        v vIn pre-hospital setting whereby NEWS was calculated using parameters recorded
                           on the scene or prior ambulance transfer, NEWS showed good discriminative
                           performance for both short term and long term mortality, and ICU admission             HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT REPORT  HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT SECTION (MaHTAS) MEDICAL DEVELOPMENT DIVISION, MINISTRY OF HEALTH
                           from ED.
                        v vA  threshold  level  of  7  was  associated  with  increased  risk  for  the  combined
                           outcome  of  death  or  critical  care  unit  escalation  within  48  hours  of  hospital
                        v vPre-hospital  NEWS  had  better  diagnostic  accuracy  in  cases  where  the  initial
                           dispatch code was specified as trauma.
                        v vPre-hospital NEWS had poor prognostic performance for in-hospital mortality
                           in elderly patients.
                        v vAmong pre-hospital patients with suspected infection, an elevated NEWS, was
                           associated with increased levels of adverse outcomes (ICU admission within 48
                           hours of presentation and/ or 30-day mortality). The aggregated total NEWS             NATIONAL EARLY
                           score was, significantly superior to qSOFA at identifying patients at combined
                           risk. A NEWS of medium or high clinical risk could be used according to sepsis           WARNING SCORE (NEWS)
                           guideline to prompt clinicians to further investigate for organ dysfunction, to
                           initiate or escalate therapy as appropriate, and to consider referral to critical
                           care or increase the frequency of monitoring.


                        v vIn  predicting  24  hours  mortality  among  patients  with  documented  or  at  risk
                           of  type  2  respiratory  failure,  NEWS2  did  not  show  superior  performance  to
                           original  NEWS.  The  NEWS2  did  not  improve  discrimination  for  unanticipated
                           ICU admission, cardiac arrest or combined outcomes compared to NEWS either.
                        v vIn  acute  exacerbation  of  chronic  obstructive  pulmonary  disease  (AECOPD)
                           cohort, NEWS2 at admission did not outperform the original NEWS.
                        v vIn pre-hospital setting, NEWS2 had the best prognostic performance [AUROC
                           of 0.896 (95%CI 0.82, 0.95)], in comparison with other EWS namely EWS [Early
                           Warning Score (EWS), Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS), Vital-PAC Early
                           Warning Score (ViEWS), Hamilton Early Warning Score (HEWS) and Scottish
                           Early Warning Score (SEWS).
                        v vThe  NEWS2  accurately  predicted  in-hospital  mortality  particularly  among
                           patients with suspected infection. At the critical threshold (≥ 5), the NEWS2 had
                           sensitivity of 84.5% (95%CI 82.8, 86.2) and specificity of 49.0% (95%CI 47.4, 50.7).
                           The number needed to examine (NNE) was 2.20 (95%CI 2.16, 2.25). NEWS2 was
                           superior to qSOFA for screening for sepsis with organ dysfunction, infection-
                           related  mortality  or  intensive  care  due  to  an  infection  both  among  infected
                           patients and among undifferentiated patients at emergency departments.

                  2.    Impact on clinical outcome (NEWS and NEWS2)
                     v Despite having good prognostic performance of death and ICU admission, the
                        implementation of NEWS has not yet been reported to have any change in overall
                        patient outcomes (survival rate, serious  adverse events rate, ICU mortality rate).
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