Page 6 - Bulletins-No. 1-1938-Endemic-Filariasis-In-The-Federated-Malay-States
P. 6


            "Harapkan  si-untut  menggamit  kain  koyak  di  upahkan".
                              (Malay  Proverb.)
             Filariasis  is  a  disease  that  in  Malaya  has  not,  in  the  past,
         been  reckoned  of  great  account  or  been  the  subject  of  any  exten-
         sive  investigations;  in  part  because  of  its  parochial  character,
         in  part  because  it  is a cause  of  disability  and  not  of death;  in  part
         because  it  occurs  in  the  relatively  inaccessible  riverine  areas  and
         not  among  the  township  communities.  During  recent  years,
         however,  it has  become  apparent  that  the  amount  of  disability  in
         these  riverine  ureas  is  now  sufficient  to  menace  them  from  an
         economic  viewpoint,  the  more  especially  as  some  of  them  are  in
         the  process  of  development  for  the  growing  of  rice  on  a  large
         scale.  This,  together  with  the  fuel  that  the  discovery  by  Dutch
         investigators  of  a  new  species  of  Filaria  in  the  East  Indies  has
         led  to  widespread  studies  of  (he  condition  in  those  islands,  hits
         given  impetus  to  an  enquiry  into  the  distribution,  intensity  and
         character  of  the  disease  as  it  occurs  in  the  Federated  States.
             The  report  that  follows  attempts  to  combine  two  objectives.
         The  first  is  to  present  a  compilation  of  facts  observed  by  others
         in  connection  with  filariasis,  and  more  particularly  those  that  are
         pertinent  to  the  disease  as  it  exists  in  this  country,  in  the  belief
         that  such  a  summary  may  prove  of  value  to  Health  Officers  and
         those  who  may  come  in  contact  with  this  condition  during  the
         course  of  I heir  work.  The  second  is  to  give  the  results  of  a
         preliminary  survey  of  infested  areas,  as  an  indication  of  the  im-
         portance  of  attempting  control  by  one  means  or  another.  At  a
         later  date  it  is  hoped  that  it  will  be  possible  to  present  more
         concrete  information  about  the  transmission  of  the  parasite  con-
         cerned,  and  the  outcome  of  methods  of  prevention  and  treatment
         that  are  at  present  under  trial.
             The  scope  of  the  investigations  now  in  progress  may  be
         summarised  as  follows:
               1.  To  ascertain  those  areas  in  which  filariasis  occurs,  and
                    whether  such  areas  are  increasing  in  size  and
               2.  To  estimate  the  present  intensity  of  infestation  in  the
                    areas  at  present  involved,  and  the  amount  of  dis-
                    ability  that  has  resulted  from  the  concomitant  ele-
                    phantiasis  and  lymphangitis.
               3.  To  investigate  the  most  simple  and  accurate  means  of
                    diagnosing  infestation  and  its  intensity,  and  any
                    methods  of  treatment  that  may  inhibit,  wholly  or
                    partially,  the  clinical  sequel*.
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