Page 15 - covid-19-pandemic-malaysia-journey
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194,119 parcels in April to June 2020. In addition, more convenient and easy methods for

              VAS registration, for example, through email, WhatsApp, telephone and online registrations
              were developed. The increased utilisation of VAS has successfully reduced the patient crowd

              and medication refill waiting time at MOH facilities.

              Other pharmaceutical services, such as logistic pharmacy, inpatient pharmacy, sterile and

              non-sterile production, clinical pharmacokinetic services, counselling and ward pharmacy

              services, were carried out as usual. Extra precautionary measures, however, were employed
              especially when providing services that required direct contact with the patients. Various

              online or virtual methods were also implemented. For example, e-counseling materials such

              as  videos  and  QR  code  that  links  to  educational  e-pamphlets  were  prepared.  Phone
              counselling and video call counselling were utilised to ensure the continuity of essential

              clinical services while securing the safety of both patients and pharmacy personnel.

              On  the  other  hand,  extra  effort  has  also  been  made  to  ensure  the  constant  supply  of

              Methadone for patients on Methadone Treatment Programme. To help patients to minimize
              travelling during the MCO, more Daily Observational Therapy (DOT) patients who were

              stable were dispensed with take away doses (dos bawa balik, DBB) with the approval from

              the psychiatrists and Family Medicines Specialists.

                                                Infographic about pharmacy VAS available in the MOH facilities

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