Page 6 - SARS-COV-2-laboratory-viral-outbreak-perspective-investigation-by-ICR-NIH-MY
P. 6

Selected Research Findings

               Study on best clinical samples for COVID-19 detection

               rRT-PCR Ct values and infectivity

               Local COVID-19 strains

               Mutations in Spike Protein of Malaysian SARS-CoV-2 Strains


                   “Hospital's Laboratory Services during COVID-19” by Dr.Arni Binti Talib, Head of
               the National Pathology Services in Malaysia and the Head of the Department of
               Pathology at Kuala Lumpur Hospital.


               Different laboratory information systems in hospital laboratories

               Difficulty in getting equipments and reagents during pandemic

               Stock inventory management during pandemic

               Setting up a mini laboratory in KLIA

                   Q&A Session

               What is the cycle threshold (Ct) in terms of PCR platform?

               Dr Ravi, do you know if studies have been done in Singapore to confirm whether their
               reported 382-nucleotide deletion strain is attenuated?

               What is the sensitivity and specificity of rapid antigen test?

               Does IMR or other hospital laboratories do heat inactivation of specimens prior to
               processing? How is it done?

               There is still quite an amount of controversy around the world with regards to the use of
               serology tests. I know we have access to some serology kits now. What is the current
               situation and what are our experiences with serology tests?

               How sensitive is our RTK antibody test?

               As we go forward, the numbers (positive COVID-19 cases) now look good. However, we are
               still worried about the possibilities of a second surge of COVID-19 as we open up the
               economy, there will be more human-to-human interaction. So, I think we all need to be
               prepared for it. Going forward, what are the major challenges we have to foresee in
               laboratory services in terms of preparing for a second surge?

               What does it mean by oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal being 8%?

                   Final Messages by Panellists
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