Wu, Fook Yew

Viruses and their Etiological Role in Acute Respiratory Infections /Wu Fook Yew - 49 pages : tables (1 fold.), illustrations (1 fold.) ; 30cm

Seameo-Tropmed Institute for Medical Research. Diploma in Medical Microbiology. Oct., 1980 - March, 1981

references :pages 39-49

in the report of the 1958 WHO Expert Committee on Respiratory Virus Diseases, it was noted that 'diseases of the human respiratory tract caused by viruses constitute an immerse and still unresolved problem'. This is true today no less than in 1958, although knowledge of these illness has been greatly eapanded in the intervening years. In particular, much has been learned about the clinical importance and distribution of an increasing number of pathogenic agents and effective immunological control of a number of diseases caused by these agents seems to be attainable.

 Respiratory Tract Infections--microbiology
 Respiratory tract infections--Etiology
 Respiratory infections--Virus diseases
 Respiratory infections--etiology
Respiratory infections--Dissertations

WF 140.7