Allen's Commercial Organic Analysis A Treatise on the Properties, Modes of Assaying, and Proximate Analytical Examination of the Various Organic Chemicals and Products Employed in the Arts, Manufactures, Medicine, Etc., With Concise Methods for the Detection and Estimation of their Impurities, Adulterations, and Products of Decomposition. Volume X Haemoglobin and its Derivatives, Albuminoids or Scleroproteins, Structural Proteins, Examination of Foodstuffs for Vitamins, The Hormones, The Identification of Unknown Woods and Charcoals, The Pectic Substances /
by the editor and the following contributors: J. Addyman Gardner and G. A. Buckmaster, J. Alexander...and others; Editor: C. Ainsworth Mitcell
- 5th ed. rev. and partly rewr.
- xi, 817 pages: ills.; 25cm.